Upfront. Honest. Practical. eLearning problem solvers.
Ready to roll up our sleeves and help you out.
Your practical partner in eLearning Development.
We've got you covered! Whether you need assistance with the learning design, technical aspects, or want us to handle everything from start to finish, we're here to help. We can brainstorm ideas with you, write engaging content for learners, and develop your project into a polished final product. Or, if you're just looking for some expert guidance, we're happy to share our experience and knowledge.
Our clients include:
“The instructional design expertise provided by Digital Hindsight was a real highlight”
Colin Gardiner - NSW Premier’s Department
“They are professional in their approach and extremely responsive to our needs.”
Melissa - Glencore, Queensland Metals
How can we help you?
Do you have a great eLearning module in mind?
We can take a storyboard or even a PowerPoint presentation and turn it into an eLearning module (SCORM or HTML) for you.
Have you lost your source files and want to make updates?
We can rebuild your module in Articulate Storyline, Rise, Adobe Captivate, or Adapt.
Do you need to change authoring tools?
We can take an existing module built in one tool (like Adobe Captivate or Lectora) and rebuild it in another tool (like Articulate Storyline, Rise, or Adapt).
Let’s ‘wow’ your learners together.
We can design the perfect learning solution that fits your learner’s needs - whether it's microlearning, gamification, serious games, scenarios, problem based learning, or microcredentials. We've got the tools and expertise to create engaging and effective learning experiences that your learners will love.
We're here to take you on a journey from ideation all the way through to build, test, and deployment of your SCORM or HTML packages. So let's put our heads together and come up with something amazing!
Borrow our brains to solve tricky problems.
With our years of experience and extensive knowledge, we're here to lend a hand.
Whether you're after a quick chat or need a more formal needs analysis or report, we're here to help in any way we can. We love helping businesses navigate the world of digital learning, and we're always up for a challenge. So why not contact us for a call?